BAPTISM At Journey Church

The idea of baptism is an easy next step to identify in the Bible. Once someone has decided to follow Jesus, the Bible teaches that baptism is the next step to take in expressing their faith. There are a few things that happen when we're baptized. First, we're making a public confession to others that we've placed our faith in Jesus and are choosing to follow Him. Second, the symbolic nature of baptism reminds us of what our faith in Jesus means. When we go under the water, we're reminded that our old lives are buried like Jesus was. And just as Jesus was raised from the dead, we're reminded that we're raised to new life in Jesus when we come out of the water. 

There's nothing magical or mythical about being baptized- it's all about taking our next step of faith and obedience as we choose to be identified with Jesus and confess that we want to follow Him. If you would like to take your next step in baptism or if you have more questions about what means to be baptized, please use the link below and let us know how we can help you. 

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